Privacy Policy e cookie

in accordance with national and European data protection legislation, for this meaning the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free movement of such data (hereinafter, “GDPR”)D.lgs. n. 196/2003, as well as any other legislation on the protection of personal data applicable in Italy, including the provisions of the Guarantor.


Dal Piatto al Bicchiere di Del Pianta Stefano s.n.c. (hereinafter referred to as “Dal Piatto al Bicchiere” or “Titolare”)
Monte San Savino 52048 (AR), Corso Sangallo n. 85
Fiscal code: DLPSFN85C16A390X
E-mail address:


2.1. The Data Controller will process the personal data collected on this Site when the contract is concluded and during the contractual relationship (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data”).
By way of example, but not exhaustive, the Data Controller will acquire, independently or through third parties, the following types of Personal Data released by the User-Customer or the potential User-Customer:
– personal data: name, surname, sex, date of birth, address of residence, fiscal code, VAT number;
– contact details: e-mail address, telephone number, shipping address;
– bank details: for example, IBAN;
– navigation data: IP address, site access time, usage session statistics, server access methods, numeric code indicating the status of the server response;
– data on purchases: for example, the average purchase value, the type of product purchased, the frequency of purchase, the total amount purchased over time and the total number of orders placed;
– cookie.

2.2. Full details of each type of Personal Data collected are provided in the dedicated sections of this Privacy Policy or through specific informative texts displayed prior to the collection of the data.

Personal Data may be freely provided by the User or, in the case of usage data, collected automatically during the use of Dish to Glass.
Unless otherwise specified, all Personal Data requested is mandatory.
If the User refuses to communicate them, it may be impossible for the Owner to provide the Service.
In cases where From Plate to Glass indicates some Personal Data as optional, Users are free to refrain from communicating such Data, without this having any consequences on the availability of the Service or its operation.
Users who have doubts about which Personal Data are mandatory may contact the Data Controller.
The possible use of Cookies – or other tracking tools – by the Data Controller or third party service owners used by Dal Piatto al Bicchiere, unless otherwise specified, has the purpose of providing the Service requested by the User, in addition to the additional purposes described in this document and in the Cookie Policy.
The User assumes responsibility for the Personal Data of third parties obtained, published or shared through From Dish to Glass and guarantees to have the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the Data Controller from any liability to third parties.

2.3. From the Plate to the Glass does not require the User to provide so-called “particular” data, that is, according to art. 9 of the GDPR, personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union membership, as well as genetic data, biometric data intended to uniquely identify a natural person, data relating to the health or sex life or sexual orientation of the person.


The Personal Data provided to the Data Controller serve to respond to requests for registration and to the contract of supply of the Product purchased, manage and execute the contact requests submitted by the User, provide assistance and comply with the legal obligations to which the Data Controller is obliged.
Under no circumstances does the company resell the Personal Data to third parties, nor does it use it for undeclared purposes.

In particular, the User’s data is processed for:

– Personal registration and requests for contact and/or information material
The User’s Personal Data will be used to carry out the preliminary activities of registration, the management of requests for contact information and/ or information material and for the fulfilment of any other obligations arising.

– Management of the contractual relationship
The User’s Personal Data will be used to carry out the preliminary activities and consequent to the purchase of a service and/or product, the management of the related order, the provision of the service itself and/or the production and/or shipment of the purchased product, billing and payment management, handling of complaints and/or reports to the customer service and the provision of assistance and the fulfilment of any other obligations arising from the contract.

– Computer security
The Data Controller, as provided for in Recital 49 of the GDPR, also processes through its suppliers (third parties and/or recipients)the personal data of the data subject relating to traffic to an extent strictly necessary and proportionate to ensure network and information security. The Data Controller will promptly inform the data subjects, if there is a particular risk of violation of their data without prejudice to the obligations arising from the provisions of art. 33 of the GDPR on Personal Data Breach notifications.

– Profiling
Subject to the User’s consent, the Data Controller will also use the data provided for profiling purposes, such as analysis of the data transmitted and the products chosen, proposal of advertising messages and/or commercial proposals in line with the choices made to adapt the commercial offer as much as possible to its profile and needs.


4.1. The Data Controller shall take appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of Personal Data.
The processing is carried out through paper, electronic and/ or computer, with organizational methods and logic strictly related to the purposes indicated.

4.2. In addition to the Data Controller, in some cases, other parties involved in the organization of this Site (administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrators) or external parties may have access to Personal Data (third-party technical service providers, postal couriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) also appointed, if necessary, data processors by the Data Controller.

The updated list of Data Processors may always be requested from the Data Controller.


The Data Controller processes the Personal Data relating to the User if one of the following conditions is met:
– the User has given consent for one or more specific purposes;
– processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with the User and/or for the execution of pre-contractual measures;
– processing is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject;
– processing is necessary for the performance of a task in the public interest or for the exercise of public authority by the Data Controller;
– the processing is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller or third parties.
It is however always possible to ask the Data Controller to clarify the concrete legal basis of each processing and in particular to specify whether the processing is based on the law, provided by a contract or necessary to conclude a contract.


Personal Data are processed at the registered office and/or operating headquarters of the Data Controller and at any other place where the parties involved in the processing are located. For further information, contact the Data Controller.


The processing of Personal Data will take place in full compliance with the principles of confidentiality, fairness, necessity, relevance, lawfulness and transparency imposed by the GDPR.

Personal Data will be stored for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, in particular:
– the Personal Data collected for purposes related to the execution of a contract between the Data Controller and the User will be retained until the execution of such contract is completed;
– Personal Data collected for purposes related to the legitimate interest of the Data Controller will be retained until the satisfaction of this interest. The User can obtain further information about the legitimate interest pursued by the Data Controller in the relevant sections of this document or by contacting the Data Controller.

When processing is based on the User’s consent, the Data Controller may retain the Personal Data for longer until such consent is revoked. In addition, the Data Controller may be obliged to store Personal Data for a longer period in compliance with a legal obligation or by order of an authority.

At the end of the retention period, Personal Data will be deleted. Therefore, upon expiry of this period, the right of access, cancellation, rectification and the right to data portability can no longer be exercised.


8.1. The User is granted the rights referred to in art. 15 and following of the GDPR.
At any time, the User may request to:
– receive confirmation of the existence of your Personal Data, know the purposes of the processing or their scope of circulation and access to their content;
– update, modify and/or correct Personal Data;
– request its cancellation, its transformation into an anonymous form, the blocking of data processed in violation of the law or the restriction of processing;
– oppose processing on legitimate grounds, including profiling;
– object to the processing of data for the purpose of sending advertising material or direct sales or for the performance of market research or commercial communication;
– withdraw the consent, if given, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the withdrawal;
– receive a copy of the Personal Data provided by the User and request that such data be transmitted to another data controller.

8.2. If the data subject wishes to exercise the rights described above and better specified in art. 15 of the GDPR, you can contact the Data Controller by sending an e-mail to

8.3. If the User identifies a violation of rights, he can contact the competent supervisory authority pursuant to art. 77 of the GDPR, it remains subject to the possibility of contacting the judicial authority directly.


Consent can only be given by able subjects who can validly dispose of it and, in any case, by those who have reached at least 16 years of age (cf. art. 8 of the GDPR). Provided that the Data Controller will make every reasonable effort to delete Personal Data that may be provided by subjects under 16 years, The Owner reminds parents or subjects exercising parental authority that it is their inescapable responsibility to carefully monitor the behavior of minors on the net and guide them in their experience of browsing the internet. For any report or request for cancellation of data fraudulently or falsely shared by the child under 16 years, parents or holders of parental authority are invited to contact the Data Controller.


The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time by informing Users on this page
The User is requested to consult this page regularly, referring to the date of last change indicated at the bottom. If the changes affect processing operations whose legal basis is consent, the Data Controller will collect the User’s consent again, if necessary. Unless otherwise specified, this Privacy Policy applies exclusively to Dish to Glass.


Last modification: 04/04/2023.




Il sito web (di seguito, il “Sito”) utilizza i cookie e altre tecnologie correlate (di seguito, “Cookie”) per offrire un servizio web migliore e personalizzato.


In osservanza al Regolamento UE 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio del 27 aprile 2016 relativo alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali, nonché alla libera circolazione di tali dati (di seguito, “GDPR”) e alla normativa italiana ed europea in materia, Dal Piatto al Bicchiere di Del Pianta Stefano S.n.c. (di seguito, “Dal Piatto al Bicchiere” o il “Titolare”) informa in merito al trattamento dei dati personali (di seguito, i “Dati Personali”) raccolti tramite Cookie.


Con la presente informativa Cookie, il Titolare informa gli Utenti-Clienti o i potenziali Utenti-Clienti sulle modalità e sulle finalità con cui utilizza i Cookie in questo Sito.





Dal Piatto al Bicchiere di Del Pianta Stefano S.n.c. (di seguito, “Dal Piatto al Bicchiere” o il “Titolare”)

Monte San Savino 52048 (AR), Corso Sangallo n. 85

Codice fiscale: DLPSFN85C16A390X

Indirizzo e-mail:





I cookie sono dei file spediti assieme alle pagine di questo Sito e salvati dal browser sul disco rigido del computer o altri dispositivi. Le informazioni raccolte in essi possono venire rispediti ai nostri server oppure ai server di terze parti durante la prossima visita.

I Cookie sono utilizzati per eseguire autenticazioni informatiche, monitoraggio di sessioni e memorizzazione di informazioni specifiche riguardanti gli utenti che accedono al server per migliorare l’esperienza di navigazione e renderla il più personalizzata possibile.





Questo sito utilizza:


3.1. Cookie tecnici o funzionali: assicurano il corretto funzionamento del Sito e che le preferenze dell’Utente rimangano valide. I Cookie funzionali rendono più facile visitare il Sito. Non è richiesto alcun consenso da parte dell’interessato.


3.2. Cookie statistici: ottimizzano lesperienza del Sito per gli Utenti. Con questi Cookie statistici è possibile ottenere approfondimenti sulluso del Sito. All’Utente è richiesto il permesso per piazzare cookie statistici.


3.3. Cookie pubblicitari: utilizzati per gli annunci, permetteno di personalizzare gli annunci per l’Utente e per il Titolare (e terze parti) di avere accesso ai risultati della campagna. Questo accade in base al profilo che il Titolare crea sulla base dei clic dell’Utente e la navigazione nel e al di fuori di Con questo cookie l’Utente, come visitatore del sito, viene collegato ad un ID univoco, così da non vedere la stessa cosa per più di una volta per esempio.


3.4. Cookie di marketing/tracciamento: cookie o qualsiasi altra forma di memorizzazione locale, utilizzati per creare profili utente per visualizzare pubblicità o per tracciare l’utente su questo Sito o su diversi siti web per scopi di marketing simili. Trattandosi di Cookie segnalati come cookie traccianti, all’Utente è richiesto il permesso per piazzarli.



3.5. Pulsanti social media (c.d. Social Buttons): sul Sito sono presenti dei pulsanti che consentono agli Utenti che stanno navigando di interagire con un “click” direttamente con i social network (ad esempio, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp e Instagram) in modo da promuovere siti web (es. mi piace, pin) oppure condividere (es. tweet) sui social network come Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp e Instagram.

Questi pulsanti funzionano utilizzando codici provenienti da Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp e Instagram stesso. Questo codice piazza dei Cookie. Questi pulsanti social media possono anche salvare e processare certe informazioni; pertanto,un annuncio pubblicitario personalizzato potrebbe essere mostrato all’Utente.

L’Utente è invitato a leggere le Informative Privacy di questi social network (che possono cambiare regolarmente) per sapere cosa fanno con i dati (personali) che processano usando questi Cookie. I dati ottenuti vengono anonimizzati quanto possibile.





Il Trattamento dei Dati Personali viene effettuato con strumenti automatizzati e non viene effettuata alcuna diffusione o comunicazione.

I Dati Personali saranno trattati utilizzando misure di sicurezza tecniche e organizzative adeguate alla natura dei Dati per assicurarne l’integrità e la riservatezza e proteggerli contro i rischi diintrusione illecita, perdita, alterazione, o divulgazione a terzi non autorizzati a trattarli.





Fatta eccezione per i Cookie tecnici e funzionali strettamente necessari alla navigazione, il conferimento dei dati è rimesso alla volontà dell’Utente che decida di navigare sul Sito dopo aver preso visione dell’informativa contenuta nell’apposito banner e di usufruire dei servizi che comportano l’installazione di Cookie.





L’utilizzo dei Cookies avverrà nel pieno rispetto del GDPR per il tempo necessario al conseguimento degli scopi per cui i dati sono stati raccolti e, in ogni caso, non oltre 3 anni dalla loro raccolta.





Fermo restando quanto sopra indicato in ordine ai Cookie strettamente necessari alla navigazione, l’utente può gestire o liminare gli altri cookie direttamente tramite il proprio browser.


L’Utente può utilizzare il proprio browser per cancellare automaticamente o manualmente i Cookie. È anche possibile specificare che determinati Cookie non possono essere piazzati. Un’altra opzione è quella di modificare le impostazioni del browser internet in modo da ricevere un messaggio ogni volta che viene inserito un cookie. Per ulteriori informazioni su queste opzioni, consultare le istruzioni nella sezione Guida del tuo browser.


Il presente Sito potrebbe non funzionare correttamente se tutti i Cookie sono disabilitati.

Se l’Utente cancella i Cookie nel proprio browser, saranno riposti nuovamente dopo il permesso quando l’Utente visiterà nuovamente il Sito.





L’interessato potrà far valere in ogni momento i diritti di cui al GDPR, rivolgendosi al titolare del trattamento tramite l’invio di una e-mail all’indirizzo di posta elettronica del




Il Titolare del Trattamento si riserva il diritto di modificare e aggiornare in qualsiasi momento la presente Cookie Policy.

Le variazioni si applicheranno a partire dalla loro comunicazione o pubblicazione.

L’Utente è pregato di consultare regolarmente l’Informativa in vigore, facendo riferimento alla data di ultima modifica indicata in fondo.




Ultima modifica: 04/04/2023.